Definition & Conditions of Concession
- Pursuing a full time (21+ hrs / week) course of study for one year or more.
- Name of Institution, Course and Student Number (if applicable required).
- Capture end date for concession (should coincide with end of course).
- The onus is on an eligible member to apply for a concession.
(Evidence of the educational course being undertaken to be supplied by applicant E.G. Letter from School, College, University etc. confirming your enrolment.)
Members registered for Online Banking can Sign Up Online or if you would like to Find Out More click here.
Senior Citizens:
- Members aged 66 years and over.
- The concession will be applied automatically based on valid age.
Members registered for Online Banking can Sign Up Online or if you would like to Find Out More click here.
The conditions relating to the concessions relate to the waiving of the following fees only:
Monthly account fee, ATM withdrawal fee , Contactless payments, Debit card purchase fee, In-branch auto. trans. Fee (Kiosk), In-branch cashier transaction fee, Cheque processing fee, Internet transaction, Direct debit trans. fee, Standing order trans. fee, Phone transaction, Direct debit set-up, Direct debit cancellation, Standing order set-up, Standing order amendment, Standing order cancellation, Cheque issued by/ drawn on CU, E-Statement, Postal Statement, New Card, Renewed card (on expiry), Replace lost/stolen card, Replace damaged card and Replacement PIN.
For more information on concessions please see Current Account and Debit Card T&C's.